
administrative norm中文是什么意思

  • 管理准则



  • 例句与用法
  • A probe into the responsibility of documents of non - legislated administrative norms on lawbreaking
  • On the reflection and reconstruction about the superintendent system of administrative norm documentary
  • But unfortunately , there ’ s local legislation - affirmative - conflict without clear legal solution . the first part illuminated basic concepts such as the local legislation 、 the administrative legal conflict 、 the local legislative administrative norms legal conflict
  • It is of great importance for the implementation of administration by law and for the safeguarding of civil rights that china draw on the legislative experie nces and theories of foreign countries and establish as soon as possible a system for the investigation of responsibilities for illegal documents of administrative norms , especially the system of investigation of individual responsibility for the making of illegal documents
  • It is the trend of the times that the compensation for moral damage is included in the state compensation . so it is the pressing matter of the moment to optimize the state compensation law by normalizing and perfecting the moral damage compensation obligation for state tort , and making it consistent with the moral damage liability for civil tort . the responsibility of organs that have adopted illegal documents of administrative norms should be specific legal responsibility by nature
  • It is of great importance for the implementation of administration by law and for the safeguarding of civil rights that china draw on the legislative experiences and theories of foreign countries and establish as soon as possible a system for the investigation of responsibilities for illegal documents of administrative norms , especially the system of judicial review of documents of administrative norms by the people ' s court for the making of illegal documents
    因此,从借鉴国外先进的行政立法的理论与实践入手,尽快建立包括对我国违法的行政规范性文件的司法审查制度在内的规范性文件制约机制,对实现依法行政、保障公民权利具有重要意义。全文共分七个部分,约34 , 000字。引言部分通过几组典型案例,引出讨论行政立法的论题。
  • 推荐英语阅读
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